Saturday, June 1, 2013

Chapter 21A: Addendum

My sister, Cathe, saw the blog recently and made a comment I wanted to share:

I daresay Dad loved all of our spouses a lot. Jack (Cathe's husband) was really his "go to" guy in the last 4 or 5 years. He would always call Jack to run errands, take him to VA (which we all ran screaming from the room when mentioned), etc. Since Margit worked full time--and the rest of us worked at least part time, Jack was his guy. As you know, Jack is quiet and unassuming; however, I really can't remember a single time that he told Dad "no". He would adjust his schedule as req'd to take care of Dad's needs. I have repeatedly thanked him for all he did for dad. When Dad died, we were in the room--and Jack was very upset. He loved Dad a lot too. Joan, Glenn, Ken, Renae, Trish, you and I all did things for Dad--but nobody did as much for him as Jack did (except Margit, of course).

I often thought if they put all 4 of us and our spouses in a room that Dad AND Mom would have chosen Jack, Glenn, Trish, and Renae!All of us definitely hit the mother lode of spouses.
I just wanted to share this info about Jack because I think it's an important part of our family history.

Cathe is like all of my siblings, generous and gracious. Jack is one of those guys you always count on and he never lets you down. As I said to Dad in my eulogy. Thanks for giving us the most precious gift we could ever want....each other.

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