Monday, August 1, 2011

A Cowboy who hates Tea Party Pansies

If you owned a ranch in Texas and you hired ten hands to manage a thousand cattle, what would you say if some dipshit pansy strutted into your hacienda and demanded that you handle 10 thousand cattle while he reduced your staff by half?  Wouldn't you rope that son of a bitch and brand him with a giant dumbass brand?
Sure you would. 
And what if you put out a sign on the road leading to your spread looking for cowboys to handle the increasing size of your herd.  What would you say if you got a bunch of pinheads applying for the jobs and none of them had any experience roping cattle?  Not only that, but half of them told you that they are vegetarians and they are against big cattle ranches? 
Would you hire any of those idiots?   Hell no.  You'd kick their asses out of your office and hire a few dozen experienced rancheros... experienced men who want to help you grow your herd.
Now I don't know about you, but when I go to hire somebody I want them to be experienced.  And if they tell me they don't like my business there is no damn way I am gonna hire them.  Yet that is exactly what the Tea Party has done.  They basically told all of us that they hate government and then we rewarded them with positions in our government. 

Note to the middle class.  Government is your only hope of a fair and equal footing with the rich bastards that would pay you chump change and poison your water and air.  Get a fucking clue.  Stop voting for the rich bastards who are stealing our life away from us.  We need a big corporation that will take on the other big corporations.  We ARE the government. 
America has become stupid.  The only way this gets fixed is if we haul Rupert Murdock out on the town square and cut off his head.  I know that ain't gonna happen.  So I will be happy if I can just manage to brand a few Tea Party pansies with the dumbass brand. 
Anybody got a rope?

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